Plarium Run Club Sets The Pace


The Plarium Run Club has been growing every day since it started gathering in June. More than 60 employees have joined the quest to conquer new distances, improve their conditioning, and take the world one sprint at a time.

The Club meets up three times a week, and each practice starts with a warm-up and exercises targeting the important muscle groups under the guidance of a professional coach. This is followed by a nice jog. Our coach prepares customized plans for each participant, advising them on how to train for different events and select the right equipment.

This has helped motivate our employees to go beyond - some have been inspired to run their first ten kilometers while others are getting ready to take on a marathon!

“The community of athletes surrounding you automatically boosts your running performance and makes the practices more meaningful,” said Bohdan Lysiak, project manager in the Game Platforms Department, “The way you feel after the practice gives you a burst of energy, strength, vigor, and charges you up for the whole day. It’s amazing!”

Watch our video to find out more about the Run Club.

Get inspired, and get those running shoes on!